Saturday, 30 October 2010

:: SMK Bunut Susu: Pelajar diseterika ?

 MUHAMMAD AL- HAKIM   (kanan) menunjukkan kesan parut pada lengan kiri adiknya, Muhammad Fairuz, yang diseterika oleh warden asrama di sebuah sekolah di Pasir Mas ketika ditemui    di rumah mereka di Kampung Anak Keranji, Pasir Mas, semalam.
MUHAMMAD AL- HAKIM (kanan) menunjukkan kesan parut pada lengan kiri adiknya, Muhammad Fairuz, yang diseterika oleh warden asrama di sebuah sekolah di Pasir Mas ketika ditemui di rumah mereka di Kampung Anak Keranji, Pasir Mas, semalam.

Dua beradik melecur diseterika

MUHAMMAD AL-HAKIM (kanan) menunjukkan kecederaan pada lengan adiknya,
Muhammad Fairuz akibat diseterika guru mereka ketika ditemui di Kampung Anak Keranji, Slow Machang, Kelantan semalam.

PASIR MAS - Dua beradik antara 11 pelajar yang melecur akibat tindakan melampau seorang guru menggunakan seterika panas bagi mengejutkan mereka supaya menunaikan solat Subuh baru-baru ini.

Kejadian berlaku di asrama Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Bunut Susu dekat sini pada 12 Oktober lalu ketika Muhammad Al-Hakim Mat Nawi, 16, dan adiknya, Muhammad Fairuz, 14, nyenyak tidur.

Dalam kejadian pada pukul 6.15 pagi itu, kedua-dua mereka melecur masing-masing pada tapak kaki dan lengan kiri selepas guru tersebut yang juga warden asrama menggunakan seterika untuk mengejutkan mereka.

Turut mengalami nasib yang sama ialah sembilan lagi pelajar lain.

Menurut Muhammad Al-Hakim, biasanya mereka akan bangun pukul 6 pagi untuk bersiap menunaikan solat Subuh.

Bagaimanapun, pada hari tersebut, sebahagian besar pelajar di dalam dom asrama itu nyenyak tidur.

"Ketika nyenyak tidur, saya terkejut apabila terasa panas pada kaki.

"Apabila tersedar, saya nampak cikgu tersebut berdiri sambil memegang seterika panas yang digunakan untuk mengejutkan kami.

"Ketika itu dalam dom kami ada 14 pelajar tetapi tiga daripadanya telah bangun lebih awal menyebabkan mereka terselamat daripada dikenakan tindakan oleh cikgu tersebut," katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya di Kampung Anak Keranji, Slow Machang dekat sini semalam.

:: Sajak "Melayu"...Usman Awang

Sajak ini ditulis oleh Sasterawan Negara... Dr. Usman Awang... yang boleh direnung fikir.

Sajak “Melayu” oleh Usman Awang

Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
Nakalnya bersulam jenaka
Budi bahasanya tidak terkira
Kurang ajarnya tetap santun
Jika menipu pun masih bersopan
Bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan

Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
Kecut takut kerana benar
Janji simpan di perut
Selalu pecah di mulut
Biar mati adat
Jangan mati anak

Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
Melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
Begitu luas daerah sempadan
Sayangnya kini segala kehilangan

Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
Kias kata bidal pusaka
Akar budi bersulamkan daya
Gedung akal laut bicara

Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
Tanah sebidang mudah terjual

Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi

Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri
Berkelahi cara Melayu
Menikam dengan pantun
Menyanggah dengan senyum
Marahnya dengan diam
Merendah bukan menyembah
Meninggi bukan melonjak

Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan
Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan
Tapi jika marah tak nampak telinga
Musuh dicari ke lubang cacing
Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing
Maruah dan agama dihina jangan
Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan

Berdamai cara Melayu indah sekali
Silaturrahim hati yang murni
Maaf diungkap senantiasa bersahut
Tangan diulur sentiasa bersambut
Luka pun tidak lagi berparut

Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
Segala yang ada sanggup diberikan
Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:
“Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
Suami pulang lapar tak makan
Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran”

Bagaimanakah Melayu abad dua puluh satu
Masihkan tunduk tersipu-sipu ?
Jangan takut melanggar pantang
Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
Jangan segan menentang larangan
Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
Jika percaya kepada keadilan

Jadilah bangsa yang bijaksana
Memegang tali memegang timba
Memiliki ekonomi mencipta budaya
Menjadi tuan di negara Merdeka!

Friday, 29 October 2010

:: Elaun..YDP Agong, Sultan dan Kerabat

Isnin, 2010 Oktober 25

Elaun untuk Agong dan Permaisuri Agong

Ini adalah dibawah Undang-undang Malaysia Akta 269 (Akta Peruntukan Diraja 1982) bagi bajet tahunan bagi Agong yang mana ia akan dibayar secara bulanan kepada Agong. Tahun 2006, terdapat usul kenaikan gaji Agong bersama-sama terhadap pemaisuri Agong yang mana telah diluluskan.

Jumlah sebulan Agong ialah RM87,880
  1. Privy Purse – RM608,400 (atau RM50,700 sebulan)
  2. Entertainment allowance – RM202,800 (atau RM16,900 sebulan)
  3. Istana Negara Royal Allowance – RM243,360 (atau RM20,280 sebulan)
Jumlah sebulan Pemaisuri Agong ialah RM16 339
  1. Privy Purse – RM113,568 (atau RM9,464 sebulan)
  2. Entertainment allowance – RM36,504 (atau RM3,042 sebulan)
  3. Istana Negara Royal Allowance – RM46,800 (atau RM3,833 sebulan)
Selain daripada tu, setiap tahun Agong akan memperolehi lebih RM53 juta bagi menampung perbelanjaan istana, sambutan tetamu dan juga kos pemberian gaji kakitangan istana. Pecahan perbelanjaan di istana adalah seperti berikut :
  1. Perbelanjaan istana dan sambutan tetamu – RM52,259,100
  2. Gaji kakitangan istana – RM1,004,880
  3. Bounty Diraja, pemberian dan khidmat khas – RM50,000
Elaun untuk bekas Agong dan bekas Permaisuri Agong

Rupanya setiap bekas Agong yang mengikut giliran akan turut menerima elaun bekas Agong dan bekas pemaisuri Agong. Ini sudah tertakluk di bawah peruntukkan undang-undang-undang Malaysia Akta 270 (Akta Istana Negara Elaun-elaun Diraja 1982) pindaan 2006. Dibawah akta ni juga elaun akan dibayar kepada bekas Agong dan bekas Permaisuri Agong setiap bulan bagi tempoh seumur hidup.

Pencen khas untuk balu pemaisuri Agong

Elaun sebegini adalah pencen untuk balu Pemaisuri Agong. Contohnya jikalau kalau Agong tu mangkat semasa baginda sedang memgang tugas sebagai Agong, jadi pemaisuri Agong yang sudah menjadi balu akan turut menerima pencen seperti ini yang tertakluk di bawah Undang-undang Malaysia Akta 223 (Akta Pencen Khas Raja Permaisuri Agong 1979).

Yang Amat Mulia Permaisuri Siti Aishah kini tinggal bersama ibu dan bapa beliau, Datin Seri Shamshina A. Rahman dan Lt-Kol Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohd Yatim di Carcosa Seri Negara :
1. Pencen seumur hidup – RM4,500 sebulan.
2. Kereta (cukai jalan dan bayaran pendaftaran percuma) atau wang pukal RM250,000 untuk kereta. Juga dapat RM2,590.87 sebulan untuk driver dan penyelenggaran kenderaan
3. Rumah Kerajaan yang akan disenggara oleh Kerajaan atau wang pukal RM750,000
Boleh dikatakan di Malaysia, kebanyakan Sultan sudah merasa menjadi Agong. Selain memperolehi elaun Sultan mereka turut menikmati elaun bekas Agong setiap bulan iaitu :
1. Elaun Diraja Istana Negara untuk bekas Agong – RM15,180 sebulan
2. Elaun Diraja Istana Negara untuk bekas Permaisuri Agong – RM4,500 sebulan

Elaun Sultan dan kerabat Diraja

Elaun untuk Sultan dan kerabat diraja di setiap negeri adalah di bawah peruntukkan negeri masing-masing. Setiap negeri ada Enakmen Peruntukan Diraja. Jumlah yang elaun Sultan Kedah ada sebanyak RM68,080 sebulan
1. Elaun Sultan – RM52,600 sebulan
2. Elaun keraian Sultan = RM15,480
Manakala jumlah yang diterima oleh Sultanah adalah sebnayak RM14,600 sebulan
1. Elaun Sultanah – RM12,000 sebulan
2. Elaun peribadi Sultanah – RM2,600 sebulan
Elaun-elaun lain yang diterima kerabat Diraja di Malaysia setiap bulan adalah seperti berikut :
  • Raja Muda – RM13,000
  • Raja Puan Muda – RM5,200
  • Tunku Bendahara – RM4,000
  • Isteri Tunku Bendahara – RM1,250
  • Tunku Temenggung – RM3,500
  • Isteri Tunku Temenggung – RM900
  • Tunku Laksamana – RM3,000
  • Isteri Tunku Laksamana – RM600
  • anak-anak Sultan – RM1,000

Friday, 22 October 2010

:: Sosial kontrak: Ada ceritanya

Saturday, 23 October 2010 Super Admin

A Constitutional Conference was held in London from 18th January to 6th February 1956 attended by a delegation from the Federation of Malaya, consisting of four representatives of the Malay Rulers, four representatives of the Alliance Party (the Chief Minister of the Federation, Tunku Abdul Rahman, and three Federation Ministers), and also by the British High Commissioner in Malaya and his advisers. This is a report of that conference.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

:: Sosial kontrak: Macam-macam hal ?

Friday, 22 October 2010 Super Admin

Today, I am going to publish the first two pages of the 33-page document, which is the so-called Social Contract that everyone is talking about. This series of articles shall continue over the next few days until all 33 pages are published.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Teach the young to appreciate history, says Puteri Umno

(Bernama) -- Puteri Umno has called on party leaders as well as Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders to undertake the responsibility to educate the younger generation about the country's history so that they understand their role in the country.

Puteri Umno's human resources bureau chief Fahariyah Md Nordin said appreciation of history was important at a time when certain sections of the younger generation had been voicing out that they had nothing to do with the decisions made by the previous generations.

"The question is, don't they realise that by denying history, they are denying the very history of their existence?" she said when debating the policy speech of the Umno president at the 2010 Umno General Assembly today.

She also called for a better way of promoting history among students such as by utilising tools like the Internet.

History should also be made a compulsory-to-pass subject in school to drive home the point on the importance of learning the country's history, she said.

Fahariyah added that it would be dangerous for the younger generation to be influenced by those who are bent on rejecting the provisions in the Federal Constitution, especially those concerning the rights of the Malays and Bumiputera.


A few months ago, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that the Social Contract does exist. However, it is not a written Contract. It is a verbal Contract, said Dr Mahathir.

Do you know what lawyers have to say about verbal contracts? A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on.

The ongoing Umno General Assembly appears to be about warning the non-Malays as well as the ‘traitor’ Malays to not question the Social Contract, unless they want to see a ‘May 13 Version 2’. Even the Umno running dog, MCA President Chua Soi Lek, has been told to shut up.

Puteri Umno wants the young to be taught ‘the correct version of history’. Well, you know me. I just can't resist being that teacher to educate the young on the correct version of history.

No, I shall not deny history, as what Puteri Umno said. I shall also not distort history, as many Malays accuse me of doing (40% truth and 60% lies, as some would say). Instead, I am going to publish SECRET documents of ‘Her Britannic Majesty’s Government’ -- which have since been declassified and are available from The National Archives in London (so I am not violating Britain’s Official Secrets Act).

Today, I am going to publish the first two pages of the 33-page document, which is the so-called Social Contract that everyone is talking about. This series of articles shall continue over the next few days until all 33 pages are published.

(Many Malaysians are not capable of reading more than four pages of any document or article so I need to give it to them in small doses if I want them to read everything).

After you have read the entire 33-page document you can then decide whether the Social Contract does or does not exist (and whether it is written or verbal). You will also be able to understand what was agreed in that Social Contract that the Malays, Chinese and Indians entered into in 1956, just before Malaya became independent on 31st August 1957.

Remember, this is not what I say. This is what was agreed and reported back in 1956. And this was the basis of the Reid Commission’s report and recommendations (, which eventually saw the birth of a new nation called the Federation of Malaya together with its new written constitution called the Federal Constitution of Malaya.

Oh, and by the way, I am not looking for a PhD, like our good Minister Rais Yatim who earned his PhD for writing a thesis that opposed the Internal Security Act and then ‘changed his mode’ after he got back into the government and was appointed a Minister.

:: Al Jazeera: 400,000 secret US files on the War in Iraq

WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
Al Jazeera accesses 400,000 secret US military documents, which reveal the inside story of the Iraq war.
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2010 20:46 GMT


In the biggest leak of military secrets in history, WikiLeaks, the whistleblower website, has released 400,000 secret US files detailing every aspect of the war in Iraq, copies of which have been obtained by Al Jazeera.

The sheer magnitude of data contained in the secret files reveals a graphic narrative of the war that goes far beyond any information about the conflict ever released into the public domain.

Using thousands of classified US military reports, Al Jazeera is now able to tell the inside story of a war which left thousands dead and a country fractured along sectarian lines.

Working with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London for the past 10 weeks, Al Jazeera has analysed tens of thousands of documents, finding facts the US has kept hidden from public scrutiny.

What has been uncovered often contradicts the official narrative of the conflict. For example, the leaked data shows that the US has been keeping records of Iraqi deaths and injuries throughout the war, despite public statements to the contrary.

The latest cache of files pertains to a period of six years – from January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2009 – and shows that 109,000 people died during this time. Of those, a staggering 66,081 – two-thirds of the total – were civilians.

The figures are much higher than previously estimated and they will inevitably lead to an upward revision of the overall death toll of the conflict.

As a result of the information contained in the war logs, the Iraq Body Count (IBC) – an organisation that kept records of the number of people killed – is about to raise its death toll estimates by 15,000: to 122,000 from 107,000.

The new material throws light on the day-to-day horrors of the war. The military calls them SIGACTs – significant action reports – ground-level summaries of the events that punctuated the conflict: raids, searches, roadside bombings, arrests, and more. All of them are classified “secret”.

The reports reveal how torture was rampant and how ordinary civilians bore the brunt of the conflict.

The files record horrifying tales: of pregnant women being shot dead at checkpoints, of priests kidnapped and murdered, of Iraqi prison guards using electric drills to force their prisoners to confess.

Equally disturbing is the response of the military to the civilian deaths caused by its troops. Excessive use of force was routinely not investigated and the guilty were rarely brought to book.

We understand that lives could be put at risk with the publication of such sensitive data, so you'll notice we've redacted almost all the names that appear in these cables – the exception being very well-known figures, people like Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. Our media partners have done the same.

But working alongside the New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and the UK's Channel 4 TV, Al Jazeera is clear that releasing the Iraq files – despite their secret nature – is vital to the public interest.